Een liefdeslied zoals Hooglied er een is: het liefdesverlangen tussen twee mensen is als het verlangen van God naar onze liefde.
Dit liefdeslied is geďnspireerd door Hooglied 1-3, in de vertaling "God's word to the nations" - 2004 (Song of Solomon).
Chorus A
Summertime, or wintertime, Anytime is lovers time with you,
There's love in everything you do.
Verse A
You are so beautiful, your kisses make me drunk with joy
I want to taste your fruit and be with you for evermore
You are my one and only love and I will never let you go.
Chorus B
Fall or spring, you make me sing, Your love and beauty lighten up my day
Much more than words can ever say.
Verse B
I hear your voice and blossoms everywhere give off sweet fragrance
The songbird sings a lovesong never heard before
Get up, my true love, come with me, for I am yours.
Night after night ….. I'm looking for the one I love
Where are you now? Then I find you, hold on to you …..
Chorus A
Chorus B
Erica - zang
Antoine - keyboards, virtual instruments & samples
© Tekst en muziek: Antoine Houben (maart 2007)
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